Thursday, January 8

The Ararat in Turkey - a challenge for climbers from around the world

The Mount Ararat in Turkey is exactly 5,165 feet high and is thus not only the highest, but well-known summit in Turkey. His global reputation owes the Mount Ararat in the first place the fact that, at least according to Biblical tradition, the Noah's Ark after the Deluge to be stranded here. Until now, the science, the mysteries and myths that are around Mount Ararat, the flood and Noah's Ark entwine not clarify with absolute certainty. As is so far backed only by the fact that in today's Turkey around Mount Ararat some 7,500 years before a natural disaster unimaginable magnitude must have played. This dating would be timed to the Bible in the traditional report on the flood fit.

An ascent of Ararat, the first time in 1829 by an expedition from Estonia has been defeated, it is for foreign tourists is possible in principle, but with some strict conditions attached. Because of Mount Ararat in the Kurdish area, in addition to the approval of the Turkish Tourism Ministry and the green light from the Defense Ministry in Ankara is required. In addition, tourists who climb Mount Ararat want permission from the Turkish Mountaineering Federation intermediaries.

The summer months are the perfect time for an ascent of Ararat, but only in groups and only really experienced climbers should be addressed. For less experienced climbers stands right next to the Ararat "Small Ararat" is available, whose summit is still 3,900 meters high. Starting almost all expeditions to the Ararat Doğubeyazıt the city in the border region between Turkey and Armenia is located.

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